Cycle B Sermons for Pentecost through Proper 17 Based on the Gospel Texts
David Coffin
John’s gospel challenges us to explore what calling we have, one which we are willing to give our lives for, that also points us beyond this life. This is a Pentecost question for both the church as a group and us as individual Christians.

Cycle A Sermons for Proper 18 - Thanksgiving Based on the Gospel Texts
Steven Molin
In Others: Sermons We Should Be Preaching to Ourselves, a series of messages based on the Lectionary, Cycle A, written from the gospel texts, by Dr. Steve Molin, the reader will find illustrations that help to explain God’s message in new and interesting ways. Finding the stories and word pictures that more easily tie into the lectionary readings for each Sunday will help the person in the pulpit make his or her sermon more compelling to the people in the pews.

Cycle B Sermons for Proper 18 - Thanksgiving Based on the Gospel Texts
Thomas Willadsen
Willadsen challenges his readers to look at Christ’s sacrifice for us in a new way, to feel the brokenness and challenges that He suffered for us. The challenge of being a Christian is that it is not always easy to spread the good news of God’s love for us.

260 Children's Object Lessons (Now available for Kindle & all eReaders)
Wesley T. Runk
Here at last is the comprehensive collection you've been searching for to minister effectively to your children during worship. Drawn from every book of the New Testament, The Giant Book Of Children's Sermons -- Matthew To Revelation co

15 Christmas Plays For Churches Of All Sizes
Lois Anne DeLong and Barbara Anne Antonucci
Here’s a collection of humorous, down-to-earth plays that bring a fresh perspective to the Christmas story through such creative devices as imagining the thoughts and feelings of fringe characters (like an innkeeper or a servant to one of the magi) o...

Advent Devotions Rooted in the Christmas Gospel
William S. Carter
In this Advent devotional William Carter encourages readers to relive Advent all over again, letting the Spirit reveal itself in God’s most precious gift of all.

Retail Price: $29.70 (Save $9.75)
CSS Publishing

An Easter Chancel Drama In Three Acts
R. Kevin Mohr

Volume 1 & 2
Derl Keefer, Randy Hartman, Cheryl Rohret
For ministers working with couples who desire a high degree of direction, two-book package is ideal as each ceremony includes top-to-bottom instructions, from processional music to the sermon, vows, pray

Reflections on the Scriptures for Cycle B
Richard Gribble

The Lenten season is a time to "retune our communication system" in an earnest effort to seek God, holding on to hope no matter the trials that come our way. Though we face struggle and even death, the promise of the Lenten season is new life and a return to the home where we truly belong.

Each lesson in Walking the Journey of Lent: Reflections on the Scriptures for Cycle B is bolstered by opening and closing prayers, contextual scripture and discussion questions.